Τρίτη 30 Ιουνίου 2015

Η ημέρα που ο Tyson έφαγε το αυτί του Holyfield!

Τι σκηνή και αυτή. Δεκαοχτώ χρόνια πριν, στην ρεβάνς της μάχης Holyfield vs Tyson, ο δεύτερος στο αποκορύφωμα της σχεδόν παρανοϊκής περσόνας του τότε. (VIDEO)

ο πρώτο παιχνίδι το αουτσάιντερ τότε Holyfield είχε κερδίσει εύκολα με ΤΚΟ στον 11 και ο δεύτερος αγώνας ξεκίνησε πάλι με τον ίδιο να έχει το καθαρό προβάδισμα.

Περίπου 40 δευτερόλεπτα πριν το τέλος του τρίτου γύρου ο Tyson με τον Holyfield πιάστηκαν στο clinch και ο πρώτος δάγκωσε το αυτί του δεύτερου στο πάνω μέρος κόβοντας ένα ολόκληρο κομμάτι το οποίο και έφτυσε στο πάτωμα. Όσο ο Holyfield ούρλιαζε από πόνο ο διαιτητής συμπέρανε ότι το κομμένο αυτί προήλθε από γροθιά και με τον γιατρό να λέει ότι το "θύμα" μπορούσε να συνεχίσει την μάχη αυτός έδωσε το ΟΚ.

Αμέσως μετά ο Tyson πάει να δαγκώσει το άλλο αυτί, ο Holyfield τραβιέται και το ... γλιτώνει αλλά ο διαιτητής δεν παίρνει ακόμη χαμπάρι. Μόνο όταν τελειώσει ο γύρος και πάει ο Holyfield στην γωνία και του δείξουν τις δαγκωματιές αυτός λήγει τον αγώνα και αποκλείει τον Tyson.

Εκείνη την ώρα αυτός χάνει τον έλεγχο αλλά συγκρατείται από την ασφάλεια του αγώνα αλλά αργότερα επιτεθείτε σε θεατές που τον γιούχαραν. Φυσικά τιμωρείται με 3.000.000 δολάρια πρόστιμο και 1 χρόνο εκτός αγώνων, ενώ αργότερα οι δύο τους έγιναν καλοί φίλοι.

source: sport24

Ο Τζέκο είπε "ναι" στη Ρόμα

Η Ρόμα συμφώνησε σε όλα με τον Έντιν Τζέκο για να συνεχίσει την καριέρα του στους "τζαλορόσι" και πλέον καλείται να δώσει τα χέρια με τη Μάντσεστερ Σίτι για να τον αποκτήσει.

Ο ντιν Τζέκο αποτελεί το τελευταίο διάστημα τον μεγάλο στόχο της Ρόμα για την ενίσχυση της γραμμής κρούσης της και από το βράδυ της Δευτέρας βρίσκεται ένα βήμα πιο κοντά στον 29χρονο Βόσνιο φορ.

Όπως αποκαλύπτουν τα ιταλικά ΜΜΕ, η διοίκηση των Ρωμαίων ήρθε σε συμφωνία με τον παίκτη προσφέροντάς του ένα πενταετές συμβόλαιο με ετήσιες αποδοχές 4.500.000 ευρώ + μπόνους και πλέον απομένει η συγκατάθεση της Μάντσεστερ Σίτι για να ολοκληρωθεί το deal.

Οι "πολίτες" αξιώνουν ένα ποσό της τάξης των 24.000.000 ευρώ για να αποχωριστούν έναν παίκτη που φοράει τη γαλάζια φανέλα από το 2011 και μετά, με την ομάδα της "αιώνιας πόλης" να επιθυμεί από την πλευρά της να βάλει μέσα στα ανταλλάγματα και τον Άντεμ Λιάιτς για να δώσει λιγότερα χρήματα σε μετρητά.

Εν τω μεταξύ, εξακολουθούν να παραμένουν στη Ρόμα τόσο ο Ματία Ντέστρο όσο και ο Ζερβινιό. Για τον μεν πρώτο δεν βρέθηκε η χρυσή τομή με τη Μονακό (η Ρόμα ζητάει 14 εκ.ευρώ για να γίνει η μεταγραφή του ως ελεύθερος ή 4 εκ.ευρώ για το δανεισμό του) ενώ για τον δεύτερο η Αλ Τζαζίρα έκρινε παράλογες τις οικονομικές απαιτήσεις του (πάνω από 4,5 εκ.ευρώ το χρόνο) σε συνδυασμό με τα 13 εκ.ευρώ που ζητάει ο ιταλικός σύλλογος.

source; sport24

Στο "Millennium Stadium" ο τελικός Champions League του 2017

O τελικός του Champions League το 2017 θα διεξαχθεί στο "Millenium" του Κάρντιφ όπως ανακοίνωσε επίσημα την Τρίτη (30/6) η Ευρωπαϊκή Ποδοσφαιρική Ομοσπονδία. Στη Σόλνα της Σουηδίας ο τελικός του Europa.

Το "Millennium Stadium" του Κάρντιφ, χωρητικότητας 74.500 θεατών, είναι το γήπεδο που θα διεξαχθεί το 2017 ο τελικός του Champions League, μετά την απόφαση που έβγαλε και γνωστοποίησε την Τρίτη (30/6) η εκτελεστική επιτροπή της Ευρωπαϊκής Ποδοσφαιρικής Ομοσπονδίας.

Σύνδεσμος ενσωματωμένης εικόνας

Το εν λόγω γήπεδο άνοιξε τις πύλες του τον Ιούνιο του 1999 και από το 2001 μέχρι και το 2006 φιλοξένησε τελικούς Fa Cup, τελικούς League Cup, όπως επίσης αγώνες για το Community Shield αλλά και για τα πλέι οφ της Championship.

Σύνδεσμος ενσωματωμένης εικόνας

Το 2014 φιλοξενήθηκε στο ποδοσφαιρικό στολίδι των Ουαλών το Ευρωπαϊκό Σούπερ Καπ μεταξύ της Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης και της Σεβίλλης, ενώ εκτός από έδρα της εθνικής ομάδας ράγκμπι της Ουαλίας έχει φιλοξενήσει και αρκετούς αγώνες της εθνικής ομάδας ποδοσφαίρου της χώρας.

Όσον αφορά στη δεύτερη τη τάξει ευρωπαϊκή διοργάνωση, η UEFA έκανε γνωστό πως το τελικός του Europa League θα λάβει χώρα στο Εθνικό Στάδιο της Σουηδίας, στο "Friends Arena" της της Σόλνα.

Το συγκεκριμένο στάδιο είναι χωρητικότητας 50.000 θεατών ενώ τα αποκαλυπτήριά του έγιναν τον Οκτώβριο του 2012.

source: sport24

Νέο "χτύπημα" για την Ίντερ

Η Ίντερ συνεχίζει τη μεταγραφική της ενίσχυση ενόψει της νέας σεζόν, με τον Μιράντα να βρίσκεται από το πρωί στο Μιλάνο και να αναμένεται να υπογράψει εντός της ημέρας.

Μετά τους Μουρίγιο και Κοντογκμπιά, η Ίντερ είναι έτοιμη να ανακοινώσει στο κοινό της την τρίτη κατά σειρά "δυνατή" μεταγραφή, με τον Μιράντα να αφήνει την Ατλέτικο Μαδριτης μετά από 4 χρόνια και να επιλέγει να συνεχίσει την καριέρα του στους "νερατζούρι".

Ο 30χρονος διεθνής Βραζιλιάνος μπακ έφτασε το πρωί της Τρίτης (30/6) στο Μιλάνο για να υποβληθεί σε ιατρικές εξετάσεις για λογαριασμό των Μιλανέζων και αν όλα πάνέ κατ'ευχήν αναμένεται μέχρι το βράδυ να έχει βάλει την υπογραφή του σε συμβόλαιο συνεργασίας.

Ο Μιράντα περνάει αυτή την ώρα από ιατρικές εξετάσεις για λογαριασμό της Ίντερ και εντός της ημέρας θα ανακοινωθεί επίσημα από την ομάδα του Ρομπέρτο Μαντσίνι

"Είμαι πολύ ευτυχής που βρίσκομαι στην Ίντερ επειδή μίλησα με τον Σιμεόνε και μου είπε πως είναι ένας μεγάλος σύλλογος. Ο στόχος μου είναι να κυνηγήσω μία νέα πρόκληση και η Ίντερ αποτελεί μία τέτοια, πέρα από το γεγονός ότι είναι μεγάλη ομάδα. Πιστεύω πως αυτή θα είναι μία σπουδαία σεζόν", δήλωσε ο Βραζιλιάνος άσος.

Σύμφωνα με το ρεπορτάζ της "Gazzetta dello Sport", ο έμπειρος σέντερ μπακ θα υπογράψει για 3 χρόνια με ετήσιες απολαβές ύψους 2.5000.000 ευρώ. Αρχικά θα αποκτηθεί ως δανεικός από την Ατλέτικο έναντι 3.000.000 ευρώ ενώ η Ίντερ είναι υποχρεωμένη βάσει συμφωνίας να δώσει στους "ροχιμπλάνκος" το ερχόμενο καλοκαίρι 9.500.000 ευρώ + 2.000.000 ευρώ ως μπόνους επίτευξης στόχων.

source: sport24

Διέλυσε (κυριολεκτικά) την μπάλα ο Χουλκ! (video)

Δεν ξανάγινε αυτό... Να ξεφουσκώσει η μπάλα πάνω στο σουτ μπορεί να τύχει, αλλά να την... διαλύσεις; Ο Χουλκ -που φημίζεται για τις ρουκέτες του- σούταρε και την έκανε κυριολεκτικά χίλια κομμάτια!

Δεν το χωρά ο νους αυτό το πράγμα... Εντάξει, πριν μέρες είδαμε τον Χουλκ να τρυπάει τα δίχτυα -κυριολεκτικά- και να βάζει... γκολ τον αντίπαλο τερματοφύλακα.

Τώρα, όμως, ο Βραζιλιάνος που αν μη τι άλλο φημίζεται για τα σουτ-ρουκέτες, πήγε πολύ παρακάτω την υπόθεση!

Διότι έκανε συντρίμμια την μπάλα! Έσπασε σε κομμάτια! Πρωτόγνωρα πράγματα...

source: sport-fm

Επίσημα στην Αρσεναλ ο Τσεχ

Η Αρσεναλ ανακοίνωσε την απόκτηση του Πετρ Τσεχ από την Τσέλσι. Πολυετές συμβόλαιο για τον Τσέχο.

Οι Gunners έκαναν επίσημη τη μεταγραφή γράφοντας στο site ότι ο 33χρονος υπέγραψες πολυετές συμβόλαιο συνεργασίας. Ο διεθνής keeper ευχαρίστησε τις δύο ομάδες για την ολοκλήρωση της μεταγραφής, τον Ρόμαν Αμπράμοβιτς και τους ατζέντηδές του. Με την Τσέλσι ο Τσεχ είχε περισσότερες από 400 εμφανίσεις στα 11 χρόνια του στο Stamford Bridge και με την Εθνική Τσεχίας έχει 114 συμμετοχές. Κατέκτησε όλους τους τίτλους στην Αγγλία, back-to-back πρωταθλήματα το 2005 και το 2006, το double το 2010, το Champions League (2012) και το Europa League (2013). Το ντεμπούτο του με την Αρσεναλ μπορεί να είναι κόντρα στην Τσέλσι στις 2 Αυγούστου στο Community Shield.

source: gazzetta

Δευτέρα 29 Ιουνίου 2015

Ο νέος-παλιός πρόεδρος της Μπαρτσελόνα

Στο ερώτημα της «Marca» για τη νέα διοίκηση της Μπάρτσα, ο νυν πρόεδρος, Τζουζέπ Μαρία Μπαρτομέου πήρε πρωτιά με 8% διαφορά από τον δεύτερο Λαπόρτα.

Για τις 18 Ιουλίου είναι προγραμματισμένες οι εκλογές για ανάδειξη νέας διοίκησης στη Μπαρτσελόνα. Μέχρι τότε έχουμε δηλαδή καιρό. Εάν όμως τα μέλη της Μπάρτσα πήγαιναν σήμερα στην κάλπη, νικητής θα αναδεικνυόταν ο Τζουζέπ Μαρία Μπαρτομέου…

Σε σχετική ψηφοφορία για τους αναγνώστες της «Marca», ο νυν διοικητικός ηγέτης του συλλόγου είναι αυτός που θέλουν να παραμείνει, προφανώς αναγνωρίζοντας του τη συμβολή στο τρεμπλ.

Στον Μπαρτομέου λοιπόν το κοινό έδωσε 35,7% των ψήφων, αφήνοντας αρκετά πίσω τον 2ο, Τζουάν Λαπόρτα με 27,5%. Εκείνος πάντως που φαίνεται ότι δεν έχει καμία απολύτως πιθανότητα, είναι ο Αγουστί Μπενεδίτο με το ταπεινό 2,3%.

source: gazzetta

Ibrahimovic travelled to Qatar to negotiate his PSG contract

Ibra wants the best deal available

Zlatan Ibrahimovic travelled to Qatar a couple of weeks ago in order to meet with PSG's owners and conduct negotiations about his current contract.

The Swedish striker, with his agent Mino Raiola, travelled to the country in order to resolve an issue with his variable pay during the coming year. Ibrahimovic wants his salary to remain fixed at an astronomical level, according to French newspaper Le Parisien.

It must be remembered that last campaign Ibra had his worst goalscoring season since arriving at PSG. He netted 30 goals in all competitions. Furthermore, according to the French media, he didn't ask about the possibility of a new adventure with Milan, and actually commented on the likelihood of a contract extension, which is something that will be discussed during their next meeting.

source: sport-english

Chelsea are willing to sweeten Pogba deal with two tempting names

Mourinho wants Pogba | Foto: AFP

The London-based club are prepared to go toe-to-toe with Barcelona for the signature of Juve's French midfielder

Chelsea are another club who are on the hunt for Juventus' French central midfielder Paul Pogba. Jose Mourinho has spoken with Pogba, to tell him of his interest, but now he has to speak with his club.

Mourinho will have two proposals that might interest Juventus: Oscar and Juan Cuadrado. The Brazilian midfielder is liked by Bianconeri coach Massimiliano Allegri, while the Italian club have always been keen on a loan deal for the Colombia international.

Now with Pogba involved, it is a different situation altogether. Mourinho wants Pogba in his Chelsea midfield, with the Portuguese coach and his club willing to pay 50 million euros and Oscar for his signature. Juventus have suffered some damage to the spine of their team recently, with Carlos Tevez and Andrea Pirlo leaving, but the Blues' two players are held in high regard by Allegri.

At the moment, it appears that Barcelona already have a verbal agreement regarding the purchase of Paul Pogba.

source: sport-english

Messi can fail to score but still play brilliantly, says Argentina's Aguero

The pair struggled against Colombia | Foto: AFP

The Man City striker explained in a TV interview how he motivates and reassures his roommate during tough games

In an interview with Argentine TV channel TyC, Sergio Aguero has spoken about his teammate Lionel Messi and the problems that La Albiceleste have had in front of goal.

"Leo always wants to improve and when the goals don't come he starts saying: "I'm unlucky." And I tell him: "Calm down, Leo, calm down. They are going to come, when you least expect them to, so calm down. You need to have patience."

"You always want to do things well, but Leo has the pressure that he has to score... I think Leo always plays well. He can not score a goal, but still be the best. It's incredible. There are minutes where he makes mistakes, but that's normal. For me, whenever he plays, he goes forward, he looks for the ball, he goes on and on. This gives us a lot of belief and confidence, because if Leo goes, we go."

Aguero also remembered when they were together in 2005. "We started to room together in the Netherlands, and I said to him, Leo, it has already been ten years. We talked about all of the birthdays which had occurred in the room." When asked by a journalist if he bought Messi a gift, Aguero said: "No.. my presence is enough."

source: sport-english

«Κρεμάστηκε» ο Βιεϊρίνια (pics)

Τα σκαλιά της εκκλησίας ανέβηκε την Κυριακή ο Αντελίνο Βιεϊρίνια, καθώς ενώθηκε με τα δεσμά του γάμου με την επί σειρά ετών σύντροφό του Βάσω Βεργίδου στη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Εδώ και χρόνια συζούν, έχουν και μία κόρη και πλέον ο Αντελίνο Βιεϊρίνια ενώθηκε και με τα δεσμά του γάμου με τη Βάσω Βεργίδου. Ο Πορτογάλος άσος παντρεύτηκε την εκλεκτή της καρδιάς του την Κυριακή (28/6), με τον γάμο να γίνεται σε στενό κύκλο στο εξωκλήσι της Αγίας Αναστασίας, που βρίσκεται στα Βασιλικά λίγο έξω από τη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Παρόντες στην τελετή ήταν συμπαίκτες του από τον ΠΑΟΚ και τη Βόλφσμπουργκ, μεταξύ των οποίων οι Πάμπλο Γκαρσία, Μπρούνο Τσιρίλο, καθώς και ο Σωτήρης Κυριάκος. Επίσης, παρευρέυθηκε τόσο ο γενικός αρχηγός, Κώστας Ιωσηφίδης, όσο και ο γιατρός του «Δικεφάλου» του Βορρά, Γιάννης Ράλλης.

source: gazzetta

Τουράν: «Μιλάμε με 3-4 ομάδες»

Ο Αρντά Τουράν έσπευσε να τοποθετηθεί για την πρόσφατη φημολογία με τη Μπαρτσελόνα, σημειώνοντας πως ο ατζέντης του βρίσκεται σε επαφή με 3-4 ομάδες.

Ο Τούρκος χαφ φέρεται να βρίσκεται στο στόχαστρο της Μπαρτσελόνα, η οποία εμφανίζεται διατεθειμένη να αποπληρώσει τη ρήτρα του για να τον πάρει στην Καταλωνία. Ωστόσο, ο ίδιος με ανάρτησή του στο Twitter έσπευσε να τοποθετηθεί επί των δημοσιευμάτων, επιβεβαιώνοντας ουσιαστικά ότι βρίσκεται προ της εξόδου του από την Ατλέτικο Μαδρίτης.

«Οι μεταγραφικές φήμες δεν είναι ακριβείς. Ο ατζέντης μου βρίσκεται σε επαφή με 3-4 ομάδες. Θα ενημερώσω τους πάντες αν προχωρήσει μία από τις διαπραγματεύσεις» έγραψε ο διεθνής μέσος στο λογαριασμό που διατηρεί στο Twitter.

source: gazzetta

Κυριακή 28 Ιουνίου 2015

Carlos Bacca

Carlos Arturo Bacca Ahumada (born 8 September 1986) is a Colombian footballer who plays for Italian club AC Milan and the Colombia national football team, as a striker.

He began his career at Atlético Junior, where he was top scorer in the 2010 Categoría Primera A Apertura. In January 2012 he moved to Club Brugge, where he was the Belgian Pro League's top scorer in his only full season before joining Sevilla for €7 million , and in 2015 he moved to AC Milan for €30 Million . He won the UEFA Europa League in both of his first two seasons with the club, scoring twice in the 2015 final.

An international for Colombia since 2010, Bacca represented the country at the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2015 Copa América.

Club career

On 9 July 2013, Sevilla signed Bacca for €7 million on a five-year contract and in addition, with a €30 million buy-out release clause.

In the Copa EuroAmericana, Bacca scored his first Sevilla goal, in a 3–1 win over Barcelona S.C. on 26 July. He scored his first competitive goal for the club on 1 August, in a 3–0 home win over Mladost for the third qualifying round of the 2013–14 Europa League. His La Liga debut came on 18 August, in a 1–3 home loss to Atlético Madrid. On 25 September, he scored his first two league goals against Rayo Vallecano in a 4–1 victory.

On 26 March 2014, Bacca netted two goals in a surprising Sevilla victory against the then league leaders Real Madrid 2–1 at the Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán Stadium.[17] In the second leg of Sevilla's Europa League quarter-final tie with Porto on 10 April, he scored his side's third goal in a 4–1 win, securing a 4–2 aggregate victory and a spot in the semi-finals of the competition.Two weeks later, he scored the second goal in their 2–0 semi-final first leg win over compatriots Valencia CF.In the final on 14 May, he scored in the penalty shootout where Sevilla beat S.L. Benfica to lift the trophy. Bacca was voted by Marca as the best signing of the 2013–14 La Liga season. At the LFP Awards, he was voted the season's best player from the Americas, ahead of Real Madrid's Ángel Di María and FC Barcelona's Neymar.

On 30 September 2014, Bacca signed a contract extension with Sevilla, keeping him at the club until 2018. He scored seven European goals as the club retained their Europa League crown, including two in the final for a 3–2 victory over FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, thus qualifying the team to the next season's Champions League.

On June 26, 2015, Bacca agreed to terms with AC Milan.

In June 2015 it was reported that English giants Liverpool were interested in acquiring the services of Bacca and also that the Colombian international was keen on a move to the club. Bacca's agent, Sergio Barila commented on the matter; "We have had lots of interest but so far there has been no official approach. I spoke with Carlos on Wednesday night and we agreed we need a real solution. Clubs are telling him not to sign anything until they have made an offer but we are still waiting. Before he went to Chile, we wrote down a list of clubs that fit that description and Liverpool was on that list. We have not received an official offer for Bacca. We are not in negotiations for any important player. I’m no fortune-teller but top strikers in the market there aren’t that many. Bacca has averaged 24.5 goals, 21 goals in his first season at the club and 28 in his second. I hope no one pays his buy-out clause. It’s a risk we take but we can’t do anything about that. We gave him a new contract 10 months ago and I believe he and his family are very happy here. But I cannot predict the future." 

International career

Bacca scored his first goal for the senior national team in his debut on 11 August 2010, putting Colombia in front against Bolivia at the Estadio Hernando Siles in La Paz; the match finished in a 1–1 draw. His next goal for Colombia came over two years later, scoring his side's second of the match in a 3–0 win over Cameroon on 17 October 2012.

On 31 May 2014, Bacca scored to put Colombia ahead 2–0 against Senegal, in a match that finished 2–2. Bacca was selected to the final 23-man roster for Colombia at the2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil less than a week later. Bacca made one appearance in the finals, coming on as a substitute and winning a penalty in Colombia's 1–2 defeat to hosts Brazil in the quarter-finals.

In a friendly match against El Salvador at the Red Bull Arena in Harrison, New Jersey on 10 October 2014, Bacca scored twice as Colombia won 3–0.

In May 2015, Bacca was included in Colombia's 23-man squad for the 2015 Copa América by coach José Pékerman. After the team's second match, a 1–0 defeat of Brazil inSantiago on 17 June, Bacca was red carded after the final whistle for pushing over Brazilian striker Neymar, who himself was earlier sent off for deliberately kicking the ball atPablo Armero. Bacca was given a two-match ban, while Neymar was suspended for four matches.

source: wikipedia

Γίνεται "ροσονέρο" ο Μπάκα!

Η Μίλαν ήρθε σε συμφωνία με τη Σεβίλλη αλλά και τον Κάρλος Μπάκα και είναι πλέον θέμα χρόνου να ανακοινώσει τη σπουδαία μεταγραφή με τον Κολομβιανό στράικερ.

Δέχτηκε αρκετά ηχηρά "χαστούκια" στην προσπάθειά της να κλείσει έναν σπουδαίο επιθετικό ενόψει της νέας σεζόν όμως όλα δείχνουν πως η Μίλαν είναι μία ανάσα από το να ολοκληρώσει μία σπουδαία μεταγραφή.

Σύμφωνα με ιταλικά δημοσιεύματα, οι διοικούντες τον μιλανέζικο σύλλογο τα βρήκαν σε όλα με τους εκπροσώπους του Κάρλος Μπάκα αλλά και με τους ομολόγους τους της Σεβιλλης και το μόνο που απομένει για να κλείσει το deal είναι να πέσουν οι υπογραφές.

Η Μίλαν συμφώνησε με τη Σεβίλλη να πληρώσει τη ρήτρα αποδέσμευσης του παίκτη που είναι στα 30.000.000 ευρώ ενώ φέρεται να έχει επέλθει και συμφωνία με τον 28χρονο Κολομβιανό επιθετικό για πεντατές συμβόλαιο συνεργασίας, που θα του αποφέρουν ετησίως ένα ποσό από 2,5 μέχρι 3 εκατομμύρια ευρώ.

"Επιβεβαιώνω πως η Μίλαν και ο ποδοσφαιριστής ήρθαν σε συμφωνία. Ο Κάρλος επέλεξε το καλύτερο για το μέλλον του, είναι φυσιολογικό να είναι χαρούμενος. Για πόσα χρόνια είναι η συμφωνία; Αυτό είναι καλύτερα να ρωτήσετε τη Μίλαν...", δήλωσε ο εκπρόσωπος του Μπάκα, Σέρτζιο Μπερίλα.

source: sport24

Σάββατο 27 Ιουνίου 2015

Six reasons why Lionel Messi is the world's best

In a career of many milestones, Lionel Messi celebrated another -- his 28th birthday -- on Wednesday. To mark the occasions, here are the six things that make the Barcelona and Argentina star so special.

1. Scorer supreme
Messi is pretty much infallible in front of goal and even on the rare occasion when he is off his game, he isn't afraid to continue attempting shots until he finally gets his reward -- as proved by the 261 shots he needed to score his 56 goals last season.

His impressive skillset includes powerful strikes from long range, lightning quick shots from inside the area and even gentle tap-ins after dribbling the opposing keeper with mesmerising composure.

Messi Moment: 412 goals since his professional debut

It is virtually impossible to decide on his best ever effort in front of goal. Having said that, his iconic run against Getafe in the 2007 Copa del Rey semifinals instantly springs to mind as his most memorable -- and rightly so, after a dazzling run past six opponents, of which his idol Diego Armando Maradona would have been proud.

2. Dynamic dribbler
Stars such as Hristo Stoitchkov, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho helped the Catalans become synonymous with beautiful football, effectiveness upfront and, above all, a winning club for rivals to fear.

However, the Camp Nou has never witnessed a talent of Messi's calibre. Just when the Barcelona faithful begin to think his dribbling slaloms couldn't possibly get any more mesmerising, there pops the No.10 again with yet another better, bigger, more deadly magic trick.

Messi Moment: The opening goal in the Copa del Rey final

Messi's opener in the Copa del Rey final still has Cules shaking their heads in a combination of disbelief and endless admiration. Despite receiving the ball near the halfway line, he decided to burst forward with jaw-dropping acceleration, using unstoppable dribbles and capping it off with an inch-perfect finish.

3. Not just a scorer
La Pulga's privileged vision and passing ability also deserve a mention. If the celebrated Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar trident have just completed a record-breaking 120-goal season, it is not only thanks to Messi's 58 goals, but also the 31 assists he gifted his attacking partners with.

Messi Moment: Letting Neymar take a penalty vs. Cordoba

His unselfishness is a sign of the generous, mature leader that he has become in recent times, following the example of legends such as Carles Puyol and Xavi Hernandez. Although not many gave it much importance at the time, his gesture to allow Neymar to take the penalty against Cordoba in round 35 of La Liga in order to boost the Brazilian's confidence speaks for itself.

Lionel Messi assumed more of a leadership role in Barcelona's Treble campaign of 2014-15.

4. Playing smart
Although Messi continues to excel when running at defenders, his game has evolved significantly since he had a string of muscular injuries in 2013. As a result, he now prefers to pick and choose the ideal moment to burst forward with blistering runs.

This recent, more methodical approach caused some surprising criticism initially but, in fact, those moments recharging batteries, keeping his head up and internalising everyone else's movements are in fact essential to ensure that he catches rivals unaware once he identifies a weakness in their back-line.

Messi Moment: Curling one in against Sevilla

La Pulga did not have his best ever game at the Sanchez Pizjuan in round 31 of La Liga, but that certainly did not stop him from helping the Catalans earn a crucial 2-2 draw with a precise curling shot from the right wing following a sudden run into space.

5. Consummate professional
Contrary to what opponents may believe at first sight, Messi is an incredibly strong player who takes his physical preparation and diet seriously, especially in recent times.

The No.10's mental strength is equally impressive. Even though he is expected to excel in every appearance for both club and country, always put a brave smile in front of the cameras whatever question he may be faced with and even accept opponents' constant tackles without even complaining, Messi is capable of staying calm under pressure.

Messi Moment: Withstanding the Atletico wolves

Case in point was Atletico Madrid's strategy of being physical with Messi in the second leg of the Copa del Rey quarterfinals in late January. It backfired for Diego Simeone's men, as Messi remained focused and was instrumental in helping Neymar score the winner which, ultimately, ended up bringing the title back to the Catalan capital.

6. Messi the leader
If the Barcelona community are still immersed in an ocean of euphoria after an impressive Treble-winning season, it is definitely thanks to the way in which La Pulga adapted his game to accommodate world-class teammates Neymar and Suarez into the team's attacking formation.

Messi was never a self-centred player, but his transition towards a more mature, nurturing leader has been particularly obvious in the last 12 months.

We will never know if such change was caused by a suggestion from manager Luis Enrique upon the former Celtic boss' arrival at the Camp Nou last summer, or his desire to bounce back after Argentina's loss in the World Cup final, or maybe simply a result of being in a much happier place on a personal level. To be honest, it doesn't matter. The profound improvement speaks for itself.

Messi Moment: Soaking up the Treble

No longer the timid youngster in the corner who used to hide away from the cameras in social events, Messi was seen truly enjoying the celebrations during Barcelona's Treble-winning parade at the end of the season, with all his teammates clearly eager to share the moment alongside the team's spiritual leader both on and off the pitch.

source: espn

Αργεντινή - Κολομβία 5-4 πέναλτι (κ.α. 0-0)

Η Αργεντινή έχασε απίστευτες ευκαιρίες, είχε δύο δοκάρια και χρειάστηκε να ματώσει και στα πέναλτι για να αποκλείσει με 5-4 την Κολομβία και να περάσει στους «4».
Η ομάδα του Τάτα Μαρτίνο έκανε αυτό που έπρεπε και περιμένει την αντίπαλό της στους «4» της μεγάλης διοργάνωσης της Λατινικής Αμερικής την Βραζιλία ή την Παραγουάη. Αφού έπαιξε επιθετικά σχεδόν σε όλο το ματς ψάχνοντας το γκολ, επικράτησε στα πέναλτι της Κολομβίας, που είχε σε εκπληκτική μέρα στην κανονική διάρκεια τον τερματοφύλακα, Οσπίνα, που όμως δεν μπόρεσε να κάνει τη ζημιά στην Αλμπισελέστε. Δύο set points έχασε η Αργεντινή για να χαρίσει την πρόκριση στην τελευταία εκτέλεση ο Κάρλος Τέβες. Μπανέγα και Οταμέντι είχαν τα δοκάρια.
Δεν άργησε να φανεί πολύ ο αμυντικός προσανατολισμός της Κολομβίας (στο 24' για λόγους τακτική βγήκε ο Γκουτιέρες και μπήκε ο Καρδόνα) και η Αργεντινή βγήκε μπροστά από την αρχή για να κάνει παιχνίδι και να επιβεβαιώσει τον τίτλο του φαβορί. Ο Παστόρε δεν μπόρεσε και ο Αγουέρο δεν πρόλαβε να σουτάρει και ζήτησε πέναλτι για να χάσει η ομάδα του Μαρτίνο μία μυθική ευκαιρία. Ο Οσπίνα νίκησε τον Κουν με τα πόδια μετά το γύρισμα του Παστόρε και ο Κολομβιανός keeper σηκώθηκε σε χρόνο ρεκόρ για να αποκρούσει την κεφαλιά του Μέσι! Η επόμενη καλή στιγμή ήταν με τον Μπίλια αλλά το αριστερό σουτ του χαφ της Λάτσιο από το ημικύκλιο πέρασε έξω. Ο Οσπίνα πρόλαβε και τον Παστόρε στο τέλος του πρώτου μέρους στο οποίο η Κολομβία με ultra άμυνα πήρε αυτό που ήθελε.

Στο δεύτερο μέρος η Αργεντινή δεν μπόρεσε να είναι το ίδιο επιβλητική, όμως είχε ξανά τις ευκαιρίες της και δύο δοκάρια προς το τέλος. Η Κολομβία όσο η ώρα περνούσε το πίστευε περισσότερο και μέχρι το 78’ είχε πάει το ματς όπως το ήθελε. Στο 78’ Μπανέγα έστειλε φωτοβολίδα να ξύσει το οριζόντιο του Οσπίνα και στο 80’ ο Νο1 της Αρσεναλ απέκρουσε την προβολή του Οταμέντι και αφού η μπάλα κύλησε πάνω στην γραμμή ο Ζούνιγκα έδιωξε. Στο 88’ είχαμε την τελευταία φάση για την Αλμπισελέστε, με τον Μουρίγιο να κόβει τελευταία στιγμή πριν τη γραμμή την προσπάθεια για αυτογκόλ του Ζαπάτα. Για να πάμε στα πέναλτι. Οπου Μουριέλ, Ζούνιγκα, Μουρίγιο δεν σκόραραν για τους Καφετέρος, όπως και οι Μπίλια, Ρόχο για την Αργεντινή, για την οποία καθάρισε ο Τέβες…

Η διαδικασία των πέναλτι
Χάμες! ΓΚΟΛ! 1-0 η Κολομβία!
Μέσι! ΓΚΟΛ! 1-1 η Αργεντινή!
Φαλκάο! ΓΚΟΛ! 2-1 η Κολομβία!
Γκαράι! ΓΚΟΛ! 2-2 η Αργεντινή!
Κουαδράδο! ΓΚΟΛ! 3-2 η Κολομβία!
Μπανέγα! ΓΚΟΛ! 3-3 η Αργεντινή!
Μουριέλ! Αουτ! Παραμένει το 3-3!
Λαβέτσι! ΓΚΟΛ! 4-3 η Αργεντινή!
Καρδόνα! ΓΚΟΛ! 4-4 η Κολομβία!
Μπίλια! Αουτ! Παραμένει το 4-4!
Ζούνιγκα! Το έπιασε ο Ρομέρο! Παραμένει το 4-4!
Ρόχο! Οριζόντιο και έξω! Παραμένει το 4-4!
Μουρίγιο! Πολύ ψηλά! Παραμένει το 4-4!
Τέβες! ΓΚΟΛ! 5-4 η Αργεντινή.

source: gazzetta

Παρασκευή 26 Ιουνίου 2015

Paul Pogba

Paul Labile Pogba (born 15 March 1993) is a French professional footballer who plays for Italian club Juventus in Serie A. He operates primarily as a central midfielder and is comfortable at playing both in attack and defence.

Pogba was described by his former club Manchester United as a "powerful, skilful, and creative" player who has "an eye for goal and a penchant for the spectacular". In Italy, he gained the nicknames Il Polpo Paul ("Paul the Octopus") for his long legs that look like tentacles during tackling or running and "Pogboom" for his explosive style and energy on the pitch. These characteristics have led him to be compared with former France international Patrick Vieira. He received the Golden Boyaward for 2013, given to the best under-21 player in Europe, followed by the Bravo Award in 2014, awarded to the best under-23 player who has participated in European competitions.

Pogba played internationally for France with the national youth football team, representing his nation at all levels for which he was eligible. With the under-16 team, he captained his nation to victories at the Aegean Cup and the Tournoi du Val-de-Marne and, at under-17 level, played at the 2010 UEFA European Under-17 Football Championship. At under-20 level, he captained his nation to victory at the 2013 FIFA U-20 World Cup and took home the Best Player award for his performances during the tournament. He made his debut for the senior French national team on 22 March 2013 in a 3–1 win against Georgia, and scored his first World Cup goal on 30 June 2014 against Nigeria; he was awarded the Best Young Player Award for his performances at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, after reaching the quarter-final.

In January 2014, Pogba was named by The Guardian as one of the ten most promising young players in Europe.

Club career

On 3 July 2012, Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson confirmed that Pogba had left the club after not signing a new contract. Ferguson stated that Pogba had signed for Italian club Juventus "a long time ago as far as we're aware." Ferguson also accused Pogba of disrespecting Manchester United, saying "It is disappointing. I don't think he showed us any respect at all, to be honest. I'm quite happy that if they (footballers) carry on that way, they're probably better doing it away from us." On 27 July, Juventus confirmed on their official website that Pogba had undergone a medical at the club, and the transfer was completed on 3 August, when he signed a four-year contract. He made his first appearance for Juventus in a pre-season friendly against Benfica in Geneva on 1 August, coming on as a 78th-minute substitute forAndrea Pirlo.

Pogba's first competitive appearance with Juventus came in the Serie A match against Chievo on 22 September 2012, where he played the full 90 minutes. On 2 October, Pogba made his first appearance in the UEFA Champions League in a 1-1 home draw against Shakhtar Donetsk, and on 20 October, Pogba scored his first goal for the club in a 2–0 win over Napoli. On 31 October, he started against Bologna and scored the game-winning goal in a 2–1 victory. Pogba also contributed to the opening goal scored by Fabio Quagliarella. The midfielder was subsequently praised for his performance in the match by several Italian media outlets such as la Repubblica, Il Messaggero, and La Gazzetta dello Sport.

On 19 January 2013, Pogba scored two goals against Udinese. Both goals were scored from outside the box, with one of them being a spectacular 40-yard goal. On 5 May 2013, Pogba was sent off in Juventus' Scudetto clinching game for spitting towards an opponent after being slapped in the face.

On 18 August 2013, Pogba was a key protagonist of Juventus' 4–0 win over Lazio, the match that won Juventus the 2013 Italian Supercoppa. During the match, Pogba replacedClaudio Marchisio and scored the first goal of the game; he was elected "Man of the Match". In December, Pogba was named 2013's Golden Boy for the best young player in Europe.

On 22 December, Paul Pogba scored a goal and contributed to Juventus's 1–4 away win against Atalanta. In January 2014, Pogba was named by The Guardian as one of the ten most promising young players in Europe. On 18 January 2014, Pogba was decisive in Juventus's 4-2 victory over Sampdoria, as he scored and assisted for the team. Three weeks later, Pogba assisted a goal as Juventus drew 2-2 against Verona. On 20 February, Pogba scored his first goal in UEFA club competitions as Juventus defeatedTrabzonspor 2-0 at home in the first leg of the round of 32 of the 2013-14 UEFA Europa League. On 14 April, Pogba produced a beautiful assist in Juventus's 2–0 win overUdinese, the same team that Pogba scored two magnificent goals against in the previous season. Later that week, Pogba scored the only goal in Juventus's 1–0 win overBologna. Pogba was also named the man of the match for his performance. Pogba would finish the season as a key player for the club, breaking into the starting line-up, winning his second consecutive Serie A title under manager Antonio Conte, and reaching the semi-finals of the Europa League.

On 20 September, under new Juventus manager Massimiliano Allegri, Pogba contributed to Juventus's win against Milan by providing the assist for the only goal of the game, scored by Carlos Tevez. Later that month, on 18 October, Pogba saved Juventus from a defeat against Sassuolo by scoring a decisive equaliser; he was later named man of the match. On 24 October, Pogba renewed his contract with Juventus, tying him to the club until 2019. On 4 November, on his 100th appearance with the club, Pogba scored Juventus's third goal against Olympiacos in the Champions League, helping them to win the match; this was his first ever Champions League goal. On 22 November, he scored his first brace of the season, in a 3-0 win against Lazio at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. On 28 October, Pogba was named as one of the 23 shortlisted candidates for the 2014 Ballon d'Or; at 21, he was the youngest on the list. In 2014, Pogba was awarded the Bravo Award, by the Italian sports magazine Il Guerin Sportivo, which is awarded to the best under-23 player who has participated in European competitions.

On 11 January 2015, Pogba helped Juventus secure their first win against Napoli at the Stadio San Paolo in 14 years as he scored a stunning volley that helped Juventus beat Napoli 3-1. On 15 January, he scored his first goal in the Coppa Italia as Juventus defeated Verona 6-1 in the round of 16 of the tournament. On March 9, Pogba scored the only goal in a 1-0 victory against Sassuolo to put Juventus 11 points clear of Roma at the top of the table. In the second leg of Juventus's round of 16 match-up against Borussia Dortmund, Pogba was taken off during the first half after injuring his hamstring, and was later ruled out for two months. He returned to the starting line-up on 9 May, scoring in a 1-1 home draw against Cagliari, as Juventus celebrated winning their fourth consecutive Serie A title since 2012. On 13 May, Pogba set up Alvaro Morata's equaliser against Real Madrid, in the second leg of the Champions League semi-final; the goal allowed Juventus win the tie 3-2 on aggregate to advance to the Champions League Final for the first time in 12 years. On 20 May, Pogba set up Juventus's first goal as they defeated Lazio 2–1 at the Stadio Olimpico in the 2015 Coppa Italia Final.

On 6 June 2015, Pogba started for Juventus in the 2015 UEFA Champions League Final as La Vecchia Signora was defeated 3–1 by FC Barcelona at Berlin's Olympiastadion.

International career

On 22 March 2013, Pogba made his debut for the French senior team in a 2014 World Cup qualifier against Georgia. He played the full 90 minutes in a 3–1 win. Pogba then earned his second cap four days later in another 2014 World Cup qualifier against Spain. Pogba started this match against the world champions, but picked up a yellow card in the 76th minute for unsporting behaviour, before then being sent off two minutes later for a second bookable offence. He scored his first international goal against Belarus on 10 September 2013, once again during a 2014 World Cup qualifier.

On 6 June 2014, Pogba was named in France's squad for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. On 15 June, he started in central midfield in the team's first World Cup fixture – a 3–0 victory over Honduras – suffering a foul from Wilson Palacios which led to a red card for the Honduran and a penalty kick, which was converted by Karim Benzema to give France the lead. He appeared as a substitute in the team's second match, assisting a goal for Benzema in a 5–2 victory of Switzerland. In the round of 16, Pogba scored a 79th minute opening goal and was named man of the match by FIFA as Les Bleus defeated Nigeria 2–0 in Brasília.

On 13 July, Pogba was named the tournament's Best Young Player.

source: wikipedia

Paul Pogba transfer: Manchester City reportedly close to signing £60million Juventus midfielder

The Blues were reportedly locked in a three-way race with Barcelona and Real Madrid for his signature, but apparently think they have the lead

Manchester City believe they are close to signing Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba for a British transfer record fee, according to reports.

The Blues were reportedly locked in a three-way tussle with Barcelona and Real Madrid for his signature, but the Sun report Manuel Pellegrini believes he almost has his man.

A fee of £60million is being touted, with the Frenchman set to earn £200,000-a-week at the Etihad.

City reportedly want to get the deal through the door, before they make a final approach for want-away Liverpool star Raheem Sterling.

Despite being banned from signing players until next January, Barca seemed to be in pole position to lure Pogba away from Juventus.

Presidential candidate Agusti Benedito claimed that, if he is elected, he will be able to seal a deal for the France international.

"I have spoken to Pogba," said Benedito. "First, I contacted Juventus chairman Andrea Agnelli, then spoke directly with the player.

"They have proposed an annual salary of £8.6m after tax and a transfer fee of £57m.”

Zinedine Zidane also hinted at interest from the Bernabeu, suggesting 'extraordinary' Pogba had all the tools to be a shining light at Real Madrid.

He said: “I think he’s fantastic.

“What I like about him is that he has everything. He’s a complete player, who is also capable of scoring goals as he likes to get forward. In terms of his footballing qualities, he’s extraordinary.

“A lot of clubs are interested. There has also been talk of Real. Inevitably, talented players are of interest to all big clubs.

“For his development, it’s important that he has a good environment, and I hope he’ll always have that.”

However, Pellegrini is apparently confident of trumping both La Liga giants, as he bids to build a team capable of regaining the Premier League title, and making the latter stages of the Champions League.

It would be quite a story if the move comes to fruition, after Pogba was sensationally discarded by Sir Alex Ferguson during his formative years at City's rivals Manchester United.

source: mirror

Liverpool prepare new transfer offer of £25m-plus for Aston Villa's Christian Benteke

Christian Benteke of Aston Villa celebrates his first goal

Midlands club have already rejected Reds' £22m bid and insist they won't budge unless striker's £32.5m release clause is met — but he wants out

Liverpool will continue to splash the cash, even after stumping up £12.5million to make Southampton defender Nathaniel Clyne their sixth signing of the summer.

And the Reds are expected to return to Aston Villa within the next few days with a massive new offer for Christian Benteke.

Boss Brendan Rodgers has had one bid of around £22m rejected by the Midlands club, who insist they will not come to the table concerning the Belgium international until a release clause of £32.5m is triggered.

But Benteke has told his Villa Park bosses he won’t be signing a new contract to stay beyond the 24 months remaining on his current deal.

The centre-forward - who has scored 49 goals in 99 Villa games since his £7m move from Genk in his homeland in 2012 - is currently on holiday, but it is thought he will return next week to reiterate his desire for a move.

And Liverpool are ready to follow that development up with an improved bid in excess of £25m, which they hope will tempt the Villans to take what would still be a big profit on an unhappy player.

Rodgers has long been a fan of Benteke, and would have bid for him last summer had the striker not been sidelined with a serious Achilles injury that cost him a World Cup place and kept him out until October.

Since then, he made up for lost time - and proved his fitness - with 15 goals.

If this fresh bid is successful, it would take Liverpool’s summer outlay beyond the £70m mark after deals that bringing in Clyne, Roberto Firmino and Joe Gomez plus out of contract trio James Milner, Danny Ings and Adam Bogdan.

On Thursday, a renewed bid for Clyne - who has just a year left on his contract - was accepted by Southampton.

Liverpool are set to complete the formalities of a deal over the weekend that will see them pay £10.5m down and a further £2m in add-ons for the England right-back.

Such massive spending suggests the Reds are now resigned to selling Raheem Sterling to Manchester City, with the Etihad club expected to return within days with a bid totalling £50m-plus for the brilliant young star.

Liverpool have been considering other strikers in case they fail to land Benteke, and maintain an interest in Sevilla's Carlos Bacca.

But they have yet to make a formal approach for the £22m-rated Colombia international - who turns 29 in early September and as such is outside their usual transfer-target profile.

source: mirror

Manchester United and Arsenal transfer target Morgan Schneiderlin set for Old Trafford move next week

Referee Jon Moss speaks to Morgan Schneiderlin

Francis Coquelin's emergence has seen the Gunners' interest in the Southampton star wane, while fellow suitors Spurs can't offer Champions League football

Manchester United are closing in on the £24million capture of Southampton midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin.

The Old Trafford giants are set to beat Arsenal and Tottenham to the transfer of the holding midfielder - who is poised to become Louis van Gaal's second signing of the summer.

Schneiderlin said on Wednesday he hoped his future would be resolved by next week, when Saints return for pre-season training, and senior United sources are confident a deal can be struck by then.

Van Gaal gave executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward the go-ahead to bid for France World Cup midfielder Schneiderlin, who now looks set to move to Manchester's Reds on a four-year deal.

Schneiderlin had wanted to go to Arsenal last summer and went on strike in an effort to force a move, but Southampton stood firm.

source: mirror

Manchester City transfers: Kevin De Bruyne to be offered lucrative £100,000-a-week deal by Wolfsburg

City have been in touch for the ex-Chelsea winger but Wolfsburg are determined to keep hold of him and will offer him a huge deal

Manchester City target Kevin De Bruyne is in line for a huge new deal from Wolfsburg who have vowed to fight to keep him.

The 23-year-old former Chelsea winger has confirmed City have been in touch for his services. But Wolfsburg want to offer him around £100,000-a-week to stay.

De Bruyne has been in outstanding form over the past campaign with 10 goals and 20 assists in the German Bundesliga.

His displays have also attract interest from Bayern Munich and PSG.

But Wolfsburg sporting director Klaus Allofs said: “We’ll be sitting down with Kevin’s advisors.”

The Belgian international has four more years left to run on his current contract and was voted the German’s league’s best outfield player of the season for the past campaign.

source: mirror

Πέμπτη 25 Ιουνίου 2015

Η «βόμβα» της Μπάρτσα είναι ο Αρντά Τουράν!

Τα δημοσιεύματα που ήθελαν τον Μπαρτομέου να επιχειρεί να πάρει στη Μπαρτσελόνα παίκτη από τη Μαδρίτη επιβεβαιώνονται, αλλά δεν είναι από τη Ρεάλ. Πρόκειται για την Ατλέτικο και τον Αρντά Τουράν!

Ο Τούρκος άσος των «ροχιμπλάνκος» είναι ο ποδοσφαιριστής τον οποίο ο νυν πρόεδρος των «μπλαουγκράνα», Γιόσεπ Μαρία Μπαρτομέου θέλει να δει με τα χρώματα του συλλόγου, ενισχύοντας και τις δικές του πιθανότητες για την παραμονή στην προεδρία των Καταλανών στις επερχόμενες εκλογές.

Σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα της «MundoDeportivo», η τιμή των 41 εκατ.ευρώ της ρήτρας του Τουράν με την Ατλέτικο είναι ποσό το οποίο προτίθεται να διαθέσει η Μπαρτσελόνα, ενώ και ο ίδιος φέρεται να θέλει πλέον ν' αποχωρήσει από την Ατλέτικο. 

source: gazzetta